'Y the Last Man' Showrunner Eliza Clark on Updating the Comic for Today, Incorporating the Female Gaze, and Plans for the Future

Liz Shannon Miller
September 15, 2021
Y the Last Man's journey from acclaimed graphic novel to eventual television show took some time to happen. The epic story about the aftermath of a plague which kills every living creature with a Y chromosome, save one young man and his monkey, first defied multiple attempts at being adapted for film — and then, even as a TV show, had to contend with a change in showrunners, recastings, and a little ol' real-life pandemic.
Y the Last Man's journey from acclaimed graphic novel to eventual television show took some time to happen. The epic story about the aftermath of a plague which kills every living creature with a Y chromosome, save one young man and his monkey, first defied multiple attempts at being adapted for film — and then, even as a TV show, had to contend with a change in showrunners, recastings, and a little ol' real-life pandemic.